Vasil Vulic aka HazyHead

Chicago, Illinois

BA, Major in Film and Television | DePaul University, Chicago, Class of 2023, Magna Cum Laude

Vasil, aka HazyHead, was raised deep within the mountainous coastline of Montenegro in the Balkan Region of Southern Europe. When he was little, he often played with action figures and visualized his play sessions as if his eye were a camera. If Superman flew, he imagined himself flying right behind him, tracking his every move in the most glorious way possible.

When Vasil turned 11, he began to realize that his visions could be shared with others with the help of a camera. So, he became obsessed and joined numerous film clubs and classes to perfect his craft. He received an explosively positive response from his family and friends and decided to pursue this art form as a career.

His first professional experience came about in his late teens when he had the opportunity to shoot an ad campaign for one of the wealthiest Super Yacht companies in Montenegro, Porto Montenegro. The campaign included photos as well as videos, some of which were featured on billboards throughout the country for quite some time. The videos he created also received an immaculate response.

Later on, as a college student at DePaul University in Chicago, Vasil began collaborating with other filmmakers, making various short movies until he eventually began interning at a local cooking show, where he became infatuated with the art of culinary videography, another skill he was happy to add to his repertoire.

Nowadays, Vasil, aka HazyHead, spends his days yearning for new opportunities to showcase his skills and advance them whenever there is a chance.